Part 171: Laine NPC Chatter 5
Welcome back! Now that Liete's with us, we've got another batch of NPC dialog. Let's start with Laine.

: Ah... not exactly. Alent turned out to be a bust. That babe doesn't seem to know how to do it.

: Oh. But you'll find out, Rapp, I guarantee it! Believe me, I can tell about these things.

: Hey, that goes without saying! We haven't even begun yet. Juss and I will find it, no problem!

: This is warm? Sheesh. What's with these Lainians, anyway? They hardly wear anything!

: But our clothes are comfortable and easy to work in. Y'all ought to wear them too!

: What, are you trying to KILL us?

: Especially in this summer heat. Anyway, I'm busy now, bye♪

: But you know? Can't hardly tell the difference in him from before! All he does now is say "Mistress Liete... with these very hands...."
You know what we should do? We sh-
Ahh, right.

: He don't come in winter, so if he don't come in the spring to trade for snow to take back to Zil Padon, there won't be no other chance for the trading. Well that's a darn shame. We were hoping to have that Mogay feller sell our ice in Zil Padon.

: I just hope that we don't lose one of the old geezers to feed that "shindig".

: I want to see them for myself. Ah... the more I hear about them the more I want to SEE them.

: Hah! I don't want to HEAR about anything. I've gotta GO there and SEE it!

: I like to hear Daddy read, but hearing about things doesn't compare with real experience!

: Well then, I've had many experiences. I met humans for the first time, left Alent for the first time....

: Ha ha ha! You call that MANY experiences?

: Ooo... I want to see the ocean too! I don't understand ANYTHING Daddy reads to me!

: I guess my job is over, then. No need to guard the road now.

: Yes, thank you for guarding it. The only time it will be used again is when I return to Alent.

: Well then, I don't need to be the gatekeeper, do I? Time to look for a nice feller. ♪

: They make the sun rise, melt the snow and make flowers bloom in the summer, make Milda strong.... EVERYTHING! The Spirits do ALL THIS! So it's TRUE!

: He's right about everything. What a wise man your father is!

: I don't know how, but there MUST be a way. We'll FIND the way!

: Why I aint' even heard the Three Wise Men talk like THAT. Y'all are something else! He's RIGHT! We CAN'T give up! I'm even startin' to FEEL better. Y'all need something done?

: Gettin' hotter like always, but the snow don't melt as it should. And we've got to start plantin' or it'll be too late! What's happening anyway? You know, Granddaddy said something about years when summer is late being a sign of bad times.

: I can't hardly study now, but once I get my horns, I'll be a big, important man.
Yyyyep, the game just went there.

: we have a real purty wine. Just right for drinking in the moonlight with your husband.

: Ain't no woman in Laine with a temper worser 'n Milda's. And y'all survived. A miracle! Y'all must be tougher 'n nails, am I right?
And that's that for the people hanging around outside.

: You MUST let me ask you more about this. It'll be a great help in my future research.

: Why I'd be happy to. What do you want to know?

: Well I... ah... err... ooh! I don't know WHERE to start! Umm... aah....

: What the...? Oh please give me a BREAK! What is WITH the guys around here!? Even the kids are eggheads!

: What? That surprises you? Why I just memorized that from a book Dorlin wrote once. Actually, I have no idea what I'm talking about.

: really, I don't care if he is the son of a Wise Man. That Wise Man grew up playing outside! If he would just see that he would understand what growing up means.

: Hmm... I'm so worried about him I can't pay attention to my work. And I thought studying was more important to me than anything. Heh heh. Guess I'm a normal parent.

: Master Dorlin will be happy to see you.

: Well, yes... but...

: it wasn't enough. I still have something more to do.

: You got fire in your eyes. Just as determined as ever. Whatever it is, I just bet you'll get it done! Long as the fire burns in your heart and you hold on to your dreams, you'll do it. Anything you want.
Hmm. I kinda have to wonder how many other JRPGs have party members retire from adventuring and stick around as an NPC you can chat with?

: M-mistress Liete...? W-wait...! Wh-what did you just s-say? L-liete? You said Liete? You DID! You DID say Liete!!

: What can I do for you?

: The leal Liete? I mean it's the real Liete...! Here, in my humble abode! M-my n-name is Du-do-dorlin. This is all so satin... I mean so sudden, I don't have anything.

: Liete...! Um, I think you don't quite understand.

: Mistress Liete! Please, I cannot endure it any longer! Will you please do me the honor of modeling for the sculpture I plan to make?

: I've read about that, too. You are talking about a figure, aren't you?
Yeah, Liete is the standard Game Arts oddly-dressed space lady what is from space and has some sort of important mission.
Then again, she's pretty cool with just fucking around having adventures.

: Oh! This is so Moooooving! Now I can die a happy bull... I mean man!
And that's that for Laine. See y'all next time, when we...

go back to Zil Padon.